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Boy and girl petting animals

Center of Excitement

Lightbridge Academy keeps the ideas creative and the fun flowing, making our child care center a place for parents and little one to look forward to visiting. Our parade of bulletin board artwork alone will brighten your day. It's not just for children, either - we host many parent events for young families to foster connections and create a supportive network.

Special Events

Nothing breaks up the week and gets your child talking like an exciting visit from a firefighter, a police officer or the reptile man. Centers host a variety of in-center events and visitors designed to deepen your child's experience bringing the topics that they're learning about to life! It might be a musical guest playing the drum for music appreciation, a mad scientist with a new experiment, or furry friends at the petting zoo.

Celebrating Our Students

Our centers participate in the national "Week of the Young Child" celebration. Each year, we select a new theme like Lightbridge Cruise Line, Future Rock Stars or Wild About Kids. Every day it's something different. One day they'll watch chicks hatch and another day they'll boogie to a band.

Family Fun Events

Come be a part of your child's school experience and meet other parents during daytime visits, weekend fun and after-hours events. Centers host events such as carnivals, egg hunts and movie nights. You can even enjoy a Parent's Night Out during our special evening and weekend babysitting events. These events bring families together, foster friendships and lead to connections you'll value.
Boy dressed in real life firefighter garb
